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- You can browse the articles at anytime
without registering. Those articles that have the
are listed as private articles and you must register in order to view
these articles.
- Once you have registered, the site admin can grant you
permissions to view private articles as well as to post new articles.
- Posting articles is a privilege given to
those who register with the system. Once you have registered you
will be able to post articles to the site.
- To post an article, simply click on the Add
News Article link at the bottom of the main page in the Navigation bar or
on the Left hand Main navigation bar.
- You are now presented with the main article form.
There are several parts to the Article Posting form. The
required fields are denoted with a * in
front of them. These fields must be completed in order to post your
article. If any of these fields are not completed before continuing
on, you will be returned to the Article Post form to complete those field
that are incomplete.
- The Abstract field is intended for the author to place a
short synopsis of the article that will be used in the short listing on
the front page. This field is purely optional, and if the author
does not complete this field, News Plus will take the first two hundred
words of the article and use them on the front page.
- The Formatted checkboxes located next to the Abstract
and the Article fields are used to determine whether or not you want your
text to be formatter. If you choose the formatting option, any
carriage returns that you enter will be kept exactly where they are.
This will allow you to maintain spacing between paragraphs without having to enter HTML code.
- If the Image Upload feature
has been made available on your system, you will be asked if you want to
upload an Image. If you wish to do so, select yes and click
- Uploading Images is one of the more
sophisticated features in News Plus and requires that the system be
capable of handling the feature. You will know if this feature is
available to you when you post an article because you will see a question asking if
you want to upload an image with your article.
- If you select the upload image option at the bottom of of the Article Post Form, you will be prompted after the
on the next screen to perform the image upload.
- The Image Upload screen has several parts
that require your attention.
- The first and most important part of the Image Upload
screen is the filename textbox. This textbox has a Browse button
next to it that will allow you to search your hard drive for the image you
would like to upload.
- Below this textbox is another textbox for the caption of
the image. This is an optional field, but if you wish to place a
small description of the image or copyright information, you can do so.
- Below the caption box, there is a series of images and
selection buttons. These images designate the positioning of the
image within your article. The default
position of the image will be in the article at the very top left-hand
corner. Make the proper selections and then click continue to move
onto the preview page for your upload.
- The preview page for the upload displays the uploaded
image and the location that you chose for the image. You can now
chose to upload another image (up to the maximum amount of uploads allowed by
the site admin) or you can continue on the final preview of the
Article including the uploaded image in the correct spot.