| Is Your House the Money Pit? Someone once said, “Have nothing in your home that you do not know to be useful or beautiful.” The old adage rings true today as value-conscious Americans scrutinize where they’re spending their money and question whether they are getting the best return on investment -- the largest of which is typically a home. More...
7/27/2004 - 1 Views |
 | Take Precautions Now to Keep Your Family Safe at Home Most of us think of it as “home, sweet home.” But the alarming fact is that more than 20,000 Americans die each year due to unintentional home injuries, according to a study by the Home Safety Council. More...
7/27/2004 - 1 Views |
 | Whirlpool Tub Care and Cleaning Just Got Easier Stressed out consumers are finding an antidote for hectic schedules in an unlikely place. They’re outfitting their bathrooms with whirlpool tubs designed to soothe frazzled psyches with jets of soothing water. More...
7/27/2004 - 1 Views |
 | Flooring Surface that Lets You Be the Designer When you decide it’s time to replace your flooring, don’t just put down new carpet or tile. Dare to be different and choose a new surface. More...
7/27/2004 - 1 Views |
 | Now You Can Change Your Floor as Easily as Your Paint Color If you’re like most people, you probably like to update your décor about every five years, according to interior designer and author Mary Gilliatt. More...
7/27/2004 - 1 Views |
 | Designing with Light: Innovative Ways to Express Yourself with Windows According to a recent study published by the National Association of Home Builders, approximately 19 windows go into a typical new home, and the four most popular remodeling projects are: kitchen, bathroom, room additions, and window and door replacement. More...
7/27/2004 - 1 Views |
 | Only the Rich Can Afford to Use Cheap Paint Before you cut corners with your paint, you might want to think twice. Trying to save a few dollars in this area could prove to be a costly mistake. More...
7/27/2004 - 1 Views |
 | Everything Old World is New Again We may live in a new age, but we still clamor for old world styling in our homes. Today’s interior design trends reflect our desire for looks that say “handcrafted” yet perform “high tech.” More...
7/27/2004 - 1 Views |
 | Powder Rooms Grab More Attention They might be the smallest rooms in many homes, but powder rooms today are getting more than their share of attention as evidenced by the growing number of homes being built with a powder room (approximately 84 percent according to research by Moen Incorporated) and the large percentage of remodeling projects focused around them. More...
7/27/2004 - 1 Views |
 | Ceramic May Be Your Answer… For some buyers, for particular areas of a home or business, tile is often the hands-down favorite flooring choice. It can be formal or casual, dressed up or down, dazzlingly decorative or stunningly simple. More...
4/26/2004 - 1 Views |