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Bamboo - Steamed Bamboo Vertical
Times viewed:  187007 
Bamboo Steamed Bamboo Vertical Width: 7" Length: 86.5" Thickness: 1/2" For thousands of years throughout Southeast Asia, bamboo, a type of fast-growing grass, has seen hundreds of uses. Bamboo's strength and exotic beauty are the perfect recipe for a new use - as flooring in our homes. Now the wonderful qualities of bamboo have been combined with the time-saving technology and convenience of our VersaLock glueless flooring system.

Note: This photo is for idea purposes only.
Review sample materials at your local dealer or decorator for exact color match. Products shown in room scenes are representative of general category and may not show exact products available.

Shaw Hardwoods Flooring
Shaw Hardwood Flooring offers consumers the timeless tradition of hardwood flooring with a wide variety of species, colors, and sizes. Shaw hardwood flooring brings Beauty and Strength to Any Room. See our Collection of Wood Flooring Stains and Grains.
Click here for more information about Shaw Hardwoods Flooring.