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Couristan Area Rugs
Times viewed:  7904 
Couristan area rugs are a superb way to make a grandiose impression on any room. The warm, snug colors showcased on each design transform any room-setting of your home into a truly inviting environment. Each piece ensures quality, durability and lasting beauty.

Note: This photo is for idea purposes only.
Review sample materials at your local dealer or decorator for exact color match. Products shown in room scenes are representative of general category and may not show exact products available.

Couristan Rugs
Since its establishment over nine decades ago, Couristan and its entire team has dedicated itself to a universal commitment of excellence. Weaving four key components into every product – Trust, Style, Quality and Innovation – Couristan has earned its place as one of the most highly regarded companies in the floor covering industry. This long-standing position of success is a direct result of providing customers with the highest levels of design, value and customer service.
Click here for more information about Couristan Rugs.