Top Ten Painting Tips Considered by most interior design experts to be the quickest, easiest and least expensive way to change the appearance of a room, painting becomes significantly more user-friendly when you follow these simple guidelines. More...
6/24/2003 - 1 Views
Painting Like a Pro Having trouble picking the perfect paint color for your home decorating project? Not sure what type of paint you should use? Don’t feel bad -- even the pros need help from time to time. More...
6/24/2003 - 1 Views
Home Decorators Emboldened The latest home decorating color trends reflect an “anything goes” attitude, according to Dutch Boy color specialists. No one trend dominates the decorating arena, and the combinations of colors seem to be endless. More...
8/11/2003 - 1 Views
Only the Rich Can Afford to Use Cheap Paint Before you cut corners with your paint, you might want to think twice. Trying to save a few dollars in this area could prove to be a costly mistake. More...