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The most popular and most seen room in your house can make the grandest of impressions and set the tone for the rest of your home. It can be vibrant, subtle, fanciful, elegant, idyllic, terrene or any number of overtures. See how many others have expressed sentiment in their living rooms in our photo gallery.
Click on a Photo Title to see the full-size image.

Photo Title
Riverside / Pearl
Robbins Hardwood Flooring
American Dream 722 Sunrise
Urban Exotics Pecan-Natural
Brazilian Cherry / Ipanema
Shaw Laminate - Natural Treasures
American Classics, New Hampshire Hickory Plank
EMW6302 - Hickory - Barrel Brown
American Dream - White Wash
Monogram XL Strip-Amber
Caspian featuring LOCnGO, .Black Forest Cherry
Esteem 3-strip - Cinnamon Oak
Lexington XL Plank-Toffee
American Dream 724 Burnt Ember
Hickory - Classical Antiquity
Mannington Wood Flooring
Concord Oak Plank
Fifth Avenue Plank-Sable
Shaw Hardwoods Flooring
American Heritage - Barnwood
Contemporary Strip-Chestnut
Hand Crafted, Hamilton Cherry
EPH6402 - Hickory - Woodland Chateau
Shaw Laminate Flooring
Pattern Plus 5000 Walnut-Ginger
Silk Essence
Exotics, Atlantis Prestige Andean Pecan
Urethane Parquet (Best)-Standard
Sensational Bea
Hand Crafted, Chesapeake Hickory Plank
Lapacho Natural
Mannington Wide Plank Flooring
Hartco Wood Flooring
Birch - Madagascar Magnolia
Hartco Wood Flooring
Hartco Wood Flooring
Northwestern Strip-Harvest Oak
EAS602 - Walnut - Natural
Pattern Plus Pattern #24
Metropolitan Classics Cherry-Amber
Merbau - Natural
Armstrong Engineered Plank Flooring
Red Oak - Chestnut
EMW6322 - Walnut - Artesian Black Chocolate
MCM241TA - Maple - Toasted Almond
Pangali Ironwood Natural
GCW452ADLG - Walnut - Autumn Dusk
Brazilian Ruby Ironwood
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