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Since the 1973 publication of Storey's first Country Wisdom Bulletin, our commitment to preserving the arts, crafts, and skills of country life has never wavered. We now have more than 200 titles in this series of 32-page publications, and their remarkable popularity reflects the common desire of country and city dwellers alike to cultivate personal independence in everyday life.

Storey's Country Wisdom Bulletins contain practical, hands-on instructions designed to help you master dozens of country living skills quickly and easily. From traditional skills to the newest techniques, Storey's Bulletins provide a foundation of earth-friendly information for the way you want to live today.

ISBN: 0882662007   9/4/2006
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 Finishing Basements & Attics: Ideas & Projects for Expanding Your Living Space
ISBN: 0865734674   8/21/2006
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 Remodeling attics & basements (Grolier's home owning made easy)
ISBN: B00071HANW   9/4/2006
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Helps homeowners solve space dilemmas by reclaiming "extra" spaces in the attic, basement, or garage. Dream, plan, and finish-all with one book! Offers advice on cutting costs, dealing with toxic materials, and controlling temperature and moisture. More than 100 photos and 250 illustrations.
ISBN: 0696213508   9/2/2006

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